Dog Dad's Funny Joke About Snow Melting in the Back Yard Is All Too Relatable

So many pet parents have to deal with this.

Oh the joys of dog ownership! The hundreds of dollars we spend on food, toys and veterinary care every year. The sad stares and whimpes we receive when we are just trying to sit down to enjoy our dinner. The furry hot body taking up 90% of the bed and then proceeding to snore and drool all night.

And, as illustrates in this all-too-relatable video, what a lot of us dog parents have to go through when the snow starts to melt. This video is a lot of us. We feel real bad for us.

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Now, the majority of us dog parents bring with our little green bags when we walk our dogs and promptly clean up after them and it's no biggie, right? It's just what decent neighbors do. But when it comes to our own yards and it's freezing outside at 4 a.m. and for some stupid reason the dog just HAS to go out and you were all warm and cozy and having that dream about Idris Elba where he has to rescue you from a burning building and for some inexplicable reason he has his shirt off.. aren't going to stand out in your yard in your jammies and clean up that ish. Noooo thx. The snow will just cover it. We will deal with that later.

@DarDarweinielangst has an excellent solution to this, and comments, "I just move every spring." @Brina adds, "I literally just came in the house and said, well here is my job for the day." @Claudia says, "I call it poopaggedon. Folks don't understand that you can't do it daily when there are several feet of snow it sinks into. I feel your pain." 

Of course there are lots of dog owners in the comments bragging about how they do it every single time their dog goes outside and lah dee dah Mister Fancypants. Some of us are just doing to deal with this in our own way - by reminding our kids they PROMISED to do this when we agreed to get the dog.

And if that doesn't work, we are moving.

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