Dog Dad Sings the Cutest Song While Giving Pup His Anti-Anxiety Drugs

Just like us complicated humans, dogs can experience anxiety and related behavioral issues. Your veterinarian may prescribe anti-anxiety medications when your pup is experiencing excessive and problematic anxiety or stress.

That's why you may want to keep this handy little song composed by TikTok user @Conversational_centerist just in case your vet every puts your own dog on drugs.

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Great! Now we are going to have this stuck in our heads all day! Pibble on Prozac, Pibble on Prozac! TikTok users are loving this new bop and @Ashley claims, "I will be singing this to myself as I take mine every morning. Thank you." @Arianna adds, "I'm gonna start singing this to myself when I take my anxiety meds in the morning now." @Lbr makes a very valid point with, "Yes but I didn’t actually see any booping even though boops were part of the song." There was a severe lack of booping! @Grayson adds, "It could not delight me more than other people make up silly songs for their dogs for stuff like this." Because this is the Internet and people are the worst a few people commented that his Pibble, or Pit-Bull mix, wasn't actually a Pit-Bull mix, so the video creator had to explain "He's a Pit bull. I've literally known him his entire life and volunteered at the shelter where his mom (who I worked with) gave birth to his litter." So many eye-rolls for people who tell owners what their dogs are LOL.

If your own pup has anxiety, behavior modification, environmental management, and training techniques can all help in conjunction with medication. Just remember to write a song that you can sing while giving them their pills!

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