Your Dog Ate A Sock. What Now?

Your Dog Ate A Sock. What Now?
Your Dog Ate A Sock. What Now?

Parson Russell Terrier dog feeling tired, desperate and sleepy, lying on a charcoal grey sofa at home

While some dogs can be picky about they eat, most dogs will eat anything placed in front of them – and that includes socks. What might seem gross and smelly to us can seem like fine dining to your dog.

“I have pulled out many tube socks from dog intestines. Puppies are definitely a common culprit, and it can occur in any breed; however, Labradors tend to be the most over-representative breed,” Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Florida, College of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Elizabeth Maxwell said.

Your dog ate a sock, here’s what happens next

Well, that all depends on the dog. If your dog is large, they usually vomit it back up either immediately or the next day. However, if that doesn’t happen, there is good chance they might poop it out later. If the sock doesn’t pass within 24 hours, a visit to the vet should be your next course of action. According to Gentle Care Animal Hospital, the moisture absorption of a sock can block your dog’s intestines while trying to move through the digestive tract. This type of obstruction is serious and will require surgery.

What are the signs your dog ate a sock?

Besides vomiting, there are several tell-tale signs your dog ate a sock or something else it shouldn’t. Those include:

  • Bloating

  • Diarrhea

  • Straining to poop

  • Tarry stools

  • Lethargy

Your dog may also refuse food or water as a result of the blockage. To prevent dehydration, schedule a vet appointment immediately.

How To Keep Your Dog From Eating Socks?

As with most veterinary medical concerns, the best treatment option is prevention.  Not to overstate the obvious, but the best way to prevent your dog from eating socks is to keep them out of their reach. Promptly putting away your laundry while leaving things on the floor such as balls, interactive toys, and puzzle feeders will keep your dog happy and, most importantly, healthy.

Training is also another preventive method. By teaching your dog commands such as “drop it,” can be quite helpful if you’re not in the immediate vicinity of your dog when it eyes a tasty sock.

The post Your Dog Ate A Sock. What Now? appeared first on DogTime.