Dog Abandoned in 'Walmart' Parking Lot Finally Gets Her First Taste of Happiness

We're so happy she wound up with people who care for her.

Rescuing a dog might seem like a massive amount of work (and it definitely is), but it can also be rewarding and fun. Of course, it takes time for any owner to help their rescue pup open up! Once trust has been established, though, a loving, patient owner will start to get to know their dog's true personality.

Avery the Pit Bull pup knows exactly how this goes! She first arrived at @humanesocietynmb after being abandoned in a Walmart parking lot, but she's already showing her rescuers that she's happier every day.

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You go, Avery! We love seeing her running and playing to her heart's content, especially considering where she was just a month ago. These rescuers are seriously heroes!

"Aww how sweet!" gushed @shelleywigley. "Bless you for giving this baby a home."  She looks oh-so-grateful for the chance! From the cozy sweater to her new furry playmate, everything about this scene is so full of love. This rescuer is "a woman of valor to say the least!" @Grayleon34 said it perfectly!

Not only did the amazing folks with @humanesocietynmb save this sweet girl from the streets, but they helped her heal in the process. Just like @ruthdzarnowski234 wrote, "that baby was nervous." We're sure the love meant the world to her! 

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