Does This Reusable Wrap Keep Food Fresh?

Does This Reusable Wrap Keep Food Fresh?

Want to keep your food fresh in the healthiest way possible (for you and the environment)?

Our senior culinary producer Jeanette Donnarumma tested out a food wrapper that claims to be organic and plastic-free: ETEE Wrap.

MORE: Sarah Michelle Gellar’s Organic Chocolate Lovers Brownie Mix

THE CLAIM: "Say goodbye to plastic wrap, sandwich bags and bulky storage containers. Preserve your food and protect your family -- naturally -- with these reusable food wraps. Non-toxic; Plastic Free; Sustainable; Reusable; Biodegradable; All Natural."

As Jeanette demonstrated, you have to warm up the paper in your hands, and that activates the stickiness of the wrap.

But was the cheese still as fresh when it came out of the fridge later that same week? Watch the video above to hear what Jeanette had to say!

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