Does Red Clothing Attract Men More Than Any Color?

Ladies, if you're planning on wearing red on your Valentine’s Day date night (OR girls' night!) this year, you may have the right idea!

According to stylist and former “What Not to Wear” co-host Stacy London, studies say red clothing is more likely to catch and attract a man’s eye than any other color.

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"Red will probably [make] a man approach you quicker than blue," Stacy says. "That’s just science."

And if you already have a sweetie, wearing red may even enhance the romance. Ooh la la!

In fact, one of our married viewers put this red-hot theory to the test -- and let’s just say that her husband gave her what she calls the "eyebrow raise" more than once.

(And she felt sexier, too, which is what matters most!)

Watch her experiment in the video above!

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And wait, the theory doesn’t stop there.

"The thing that men are attracted to most [are] shoulders and arms," Stacy continues.

Sooo, red cold-shoulder top, anyone? We just so happen to have found the perfect one here!

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