OK, So Oprah Says She's Not Running for President—Here's What Her BFF Gayle King Has to Say

OK, So Oprah Says She's Not Running for President—Here's What Her BFF Gayle King Has to Say

To say that Oprah roused the crowd when she took the stage at the 75th Golden Globe Awards in January to accept her Cecil B. DeMille Award would be an understatement.

"That was the most riveting speech I've seen in my life!" Rach says.

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Following the captivating speech, social media was flooded with calls for Oprah to run for president in 2020 -- but that wasn’t her intent as she was preparing for it, says her BFF and editor-at-large of O, The Oprah Magazine, Gayle King.

"She didn’t do that speech thinking, 'I'm thinking about running for president' or 'I'm hoping to run for president,'" Gayle explains, "but it just resonated with people."

"They believe her," she puts it simply.

Now, as for whether or not Oprah will in fact run, well, Gayle is leaving that up to her.

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"Do I think she'd be a great president? I absolutely do," the CBS This Morning co-host affirms.

"But I think if you're running for president, nobody should have to convince you to do it. It should be something that you feel. So only she could make that decision."

And don’t get any ideas about Oprah filling a cabinet seat.

"If she was going to do it," Gayle affirms, "she would go for the whole thing."

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