What Does It Mean When Your Uvula Is Swollen?

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Medically reviewed by Benjamin F. Asher, MD

A swollen uvula, also known as uvulitis, occurs when the uvula (the bell-shaped organ hanging from your soft palate at the back of the mouth) becomes inflamed. This can happen because of an infection, allergic reaction, irritation, or illness.

Uvulitis can usually be treated with at-home remedies or medication. In rare cases, conditions that make your uvula swollen are serious, like a life-threatening infection or even oral cancer.

This article discusses the symptoms of a swollen uvula and the conditions that cause it. It also explains how your healthcare provider can diagnose and treat a swollen uvula.

<p>Illustration by JR Bee for Verywell Health</p>

Illustration by JR Bee for Verywell Health

What Are Symptoms of a Swollen Uvula?

A swollen uvula, which is an uncommon disorder, may cause a variety of symptoms based upon the inflammation at and around the uvula. Symptoms associated with a swollen uvula may include:

  • Fever

  • Difficulty swallowing

  • Pain

  • Gagging

  • Drooling

You may also experience difficulty with breathing or talking, and snoring with your respirations.


The uvula contains many salivary glands, helping to keep the airway moist, and plays a role in speech and the sounds of snoring. Though the purpose of the uvula is not well understood, it helps prevent food and drink from entering your nasal passages. Swelling of the uvula without inflammation of other tissues and structures around the uvula is very rare.

What Causes Uvula Swelling?

A swollen uvula may be caused by infections, allergic reactions, trauma, or certain genetic conditions.


Infections of the throat may cause other tissues, and subsequently, the uvula, to swell. The kind of infection that causes uvulitis may be bacterial or viral and may include:

  • Strep throat: Group A Streptococcus bacteria usually the cause if you have pharyngitis (sore throat)

  • Mononucleosis: Causes disorders like tonsillitis

  • Influenza: The uvula may be affected as part of the overall pharynx.

  • Tonsil infection: Severely infected tonsils may swell so large that they push against the uvula and cause it to become inflamed. This doesn’t mean the infection has spread, though. Treating the tonsils should soothe the uvula as well.

  • COVID-19, in rare cases

  • Epiglottitis: Rare, but is a medical emergency

With epiglottitis, the infection leads to swelling of the epiglottis (a small flap of tissue attached to the end of the tongue) and surrounding structures, and can rapidly lead to breathing problems. If your healthcare provider suspects epiglottitis, they will not swab your throat because that could lead to loss of the airway.

Instead, you'll be sent to the emergency room immediately to ensure that they can protect your airway and place a breathing tube if needed. If you are able to tolerate a computerized tomography (CT) scan, they may perform this to help diagnose epiglottitis.


Epiglottitis is a rare and dangerous condition that was far more likely in children than adults before the Haemophilus influenzae type B (HiB) vaccine was routinely given to infants.

In order to determine how to treat your swollen uvula when epiglottitis is not suspected, your healthcare provider will swab your uvula and send the sample for culture. If the cause is bacterial, your healthcare provider can treat you with antibiotics.

Depending on the severity of your symptoms and vaccination status (in children), your healthcare provider may either prescribe oral antibiotics or IV antibiotics. If the culture is negative, then the cause is likely viral and antibiotics will not help.

Related: What Are the Symptoms of an Infection?

Allergic Reactions

Uvulitis can be caused by allergic reactions that cause swelling (edema) of the mouth and throat. This can be a sign of an anaphylactic reaction, which is an emergency.

Individuals who experience rapid swelling of the mouth and throat should go to the nearest emergency room to get a shot of epinephrine. Some individuals who have experienced this kind of allergic reaction may carry an Epi injection device with them. You may also be treated with an inhaled version of epinephrine called racemic epinephrine.

Related: Anaphylaxis


Injuries to the uvula may cause it to swell, although trauma to the uvula is not very common. It's possible to burn your uvula by eating hot food, and the uvula can also be damaged as the result of some medical procedures, such as inserting a breathing tube (intubation).

Complications from intubation are rare. Generally, in the case of trauma, sucking on ice chips or using local anesthetics will help manage your symptoms.

Hereditary Angioneurotic Edema

Hereditary angioneurotic edema, or HANE, is a rare genetic disorder caused by a gene mutation. The condition causes attacks in which swelling in different areas of the body, including the uvula, can occur.

The swelling will differentiate from many other causes of a swollen uvula, because your uvula will not be erythematous (red), but will be white and swollen like a grape. Most people with this disorder experience their first attack during childhood.


Cancer can affect the uvula, although it is relatively rare and occurs in just 1.3% of oropharyngeal cancers (cancers of the mouth). Some researchers find a higher risk in people assigned male at birth and people with a smoking history. Human papillomavirus also is linked to an increased risk of oral and nasal cancers.

A swollen uvula can be a sign of cancer, so contact your healthcare provider to have it checked out. Cancer in the uvula also may occur with symptoms of a chronic sore throat, cough, and difficulty swallowing.

Other Genetic Conditions

Certain genetic conditions may cause abnormalities of the uvula. Cleft lip/palate is a condition that affects the roof of the mouth (palate), causing the uvula to be absent or have other abnormalities.

It's also possible to inherit an elongated uvula; an enlarged or elongated uvula that's inherited is not truly the same as a swollen uvula, though it can cause similar symptoms. If symptoms are troublesome, the uvula may have to be surgically removed.

Can Uvulitis Cause Death?

Uvulitis alone is unlikely to be fatal. However, it can be life-threatening when it's associated with epiglottitis or if an anaphylactic allergic reaction is the cause of the swelling.

How Is a Swollen Uvula Treated?

Treatment of a swollen uvula will vary based on the causes discussed above.

  • Infectious causes: Treatment with antibiotics if bacterial

  • Noninfectious causes: Treatment of symptoms of sore throat by using throat lozenges, sucking or chewing on ice chips, or using topical anesthetics like lidocaine

  • Breathing difficulties: Epinephrine shot or inhaled epinephrine, IV steroids, and IV antihistamines

Oral steroids may also be prescribed as a treatment for a swollen uvula of infectious or non-infectious etiology (origin). It can help to drink lots of fluids.

A swollen uvula may play a role in obstructive sleep apnea. Some individuals with sleep apnea undergo uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), surgery to have the uvula removed.

This surgery, also called uvulectomy, is often combined with a base of tongue procedure or a procedure to pull the tongue forward to increase its efficacy.


With proper treatment, you'll usually recover from a swollen uvula without any long-lasting effects. Minor swelling of the uvula may go away on its own without medical treatment.


In most cases, a swollen uvula is caused by irritation or an easily treatable condition, like an infection. Cold fluids or ice chips can bring relief to an uncomplicated case of a swollen uvula. Medication, including antibiotics, might be used to treat a bacterial infection.

Some conditions that make your uvula swollen can be more serious, including epiglottitis or a severe allergic reaction. If you can't swallow or talk, or you have difficulty breathing, you should go to the nearest emergency room.

In some cases, a swollen uvula can play a role in a chronic condition like obstructive sleep apnea. Speak to your healthcare provider if you have concerns or questions about your uvula.