What Does It Mean to Have a Type A Personality?

<p>Delmaine Donson /getty images</p>

Delmaine Donson /getty images

Medically reviewed by Kira Graves, PhD

Type A personality refers to a set of traits that includes competitiveness, aggression, and a sense of urgency. People with Type A personality traits tend to be impulsive, perfectionistic, goal-oriented, and well-suited to fast-paced environments.

In the 1950s, cardiologists Meyer Friedman and Ray Rosenman introduced the idea of Type A personality traits. They argued these traits were associated with a higher risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). While this claim is controversial, many researchers still use the concept of having a Type A personality in their work on burnout, stress, and medical risks.

Having a Type A personality structure has both benefits and downsides. Knowing your personality may help you better understand and manage your reactions and behaviors.

Type A vs. Other Personality Traits

You’ve probably heard people say in passing they have a “Type A” or “Type B” personality. But researchers have actually identified four personality types, each of which is associated with a particular pattern of behavior. They include:

  • Type A: People with a Type A personality are driven, outgoing, and rule-oriented. They tend to be more stressed and dissatisfied with their careers and set high expectations for themselves and others.

  • Type B: Type B personality traits include creativity, disorganization, and emotional stability. People with Type B personalities tend to be calmer and more laid-back but also more scatter-brained than their Type A counterparts. They are less stressed and less driven by extrinsic rewards, typically working steadily for their own satisfaction instead.

  • Type C: People with a Type C personality are typically perfectionistic, detail-oriented, analytical, and logical. They also tend to be passive and conflict-avoidant, preferring to “keep the peace” rather than expressing their emotions or concerns head-on. The “C” in Type C stands for “cancer-prone,” as some researchers have hypothesized that people who don’t have a healthy outlet for their emotions have a higher risk for cancer.

  • Type D: Type D personality traits include introversion and negative affect. The “D” in Type D personality stands for “distress.” People with these traits tend to have a higher risk of depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. They are also typically empathetic, loyal, and hard-working.

Can You Have a Type A Personality?

Some researchers believe “Type A personality” is a personality type, or a category to which an individual belongs throughout their life. People who agree with this idea tend to believe Type A personality traits are natural from birth, rather than developed over time.

However, many clinicians and researchers argue Types A, B, C, and D refer to patterns of behavior that can be learned. These traits may change over time in response to different environments and demands. For example, one study found undergraduate medical students were more likely to meet the criteria for Type A personality traits in their final year of school than in their first year.

Type A Personality Traits

Researchers have identified the following Type A personality traits:

  • Aggressiveness

  • Impatience

  • Competitiveness

  • Extroversion

  • Impulsivity

  • Perfectionism

  • Urgency

  • Goal-oriented nature

Signs You Have Type A Personality Traits

If you think you may have a Type A personality, there are a few ways to tell. Here are a few behaviors that might signal Type A personality traits:

  • You are impatient in your day-to-day life and have a hard time tolerating delays.

  • You are driven primarily by the promise of external rewards, such as a potential raise or promotion.

  • You hate making mistakes.

  • You are assertive and unafraid to speak your mind.

  • You set high standards, both for others and yourself.

  • You get very distressed if you don’t meet your goals.

  • You can manage a lot of responsibilities at once.

  • You struggle with anger or irritability, and have a hard time coping with stress, especially job-related stress.

  • Others have referred to you as a “workaholic.”

  • You’re often dissatisfied at work or frequently think of changing jobs or careers.

Benefits of Type A Personality Traits

Like most aspects of individual personality, Type A traits come with both strengths and weaknesses. Here are a few benefits of having a Type A personality:

  • Ability to multi-task: Due to their goal-oriented nature, people with Type A personalities often take on a variety of different roles and responsibilities.

  • High-achieving: People with Type A personalities are typically ambitious, status-conscious, and driven to succeed. These traits may help them achieve great things in life, school, and work.

  • Deadline-driven: Type A personality traits are associated with attention to detail, especially when it comes to meeting deadlines. If you have these traits, you are unlikely to procrastinate.

  • Leadership qualities: Many people with Type A personality traits are bold and assertive, which can help them make decisions, take strong stances, and step up to the plate in leadership roles.

Drawbacks of Type A Personality Traits

Type A personality traits also have some potential drawbacks, such as:

  • Job dissatisfaction: Many people with Type A personality traits place a high importance on their career. While this can help them reach their goals, it may also lead to job dissatisfaction in some cases.

  • Burnout: People with Type A personalities tend towards workaholism and are hard on themselves when they don’t reach their goals. This may lead to chronic job-related stress and burnout.

  • Stress: Type A personality traits are linked to high rates of stress, anxiety, and tension. In particular, people with these traits tend to have fewer emotional coping skills when faced with stress.

  • Higher risk for health concerns: Some research suggests Type A personality traits are associated with a higher risk of certain health complications, such as heart disease, myocardial infarctions (heart attacks), and hypertension (high blood pressure).

Dealing With Type A Personality Traits

People with Type A personalities are often prone to anxiety, overworking, and burnout. If you recognize Type A personality traits in yourself, here are a few ways you can avoid or manage the effects of chronic stress:

  • Practice mindfulness techniques. Manage your stress with relaxation exercises, such as deep breathing, or mindfulness techniques like meditation or yoga.

  • Prioritize sleep. Getting a good night’s rest is key in preventing burnout, reducing stress, and staving off anger and conflict. Practice good sleep habits by keeping your room dark, comfortable, and cool and turning off your phone and computer at least two hours before bedtime.

  • Keep a journal. Keeping a journal may help you slow down and think more mindfully about your thoughts. Try writing down three positive things at the end of each day or solving a “problem” (such as a negative recurring thought) through 10 minutes of free, stream-of-consciousness writing.

  • Take time to engage in hobbies you enjoy. Don’t spend all your time working or thinking about work. Make sure to participate in fun activities that are aimed at relaxation or building social connections.

  • Take advantage of burnout prevention programs. If your workplace has an employee assistance program (EAP) or other resources for burnout prevention, consider using them—especially if you’re prone to job-related stress.

  • Change jobs if necessary. Having a sense of control over your work life has been found to be especially important for people with Type A personalities. If you feel your voice isn’t heard or you’re not able to reach your full potential at your job, consider looking for a new one.

  • Seek professional help if needed. Reach out to a healthcare provider for a referral to a psychotherapist if you need help with mental health symptoms, such as anxiety or depression. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) may help you to develop healthier coping skills.

A Quick Review

Typical Type A personality traits include competitiveness, ambition, extroversion, impatience, and assertiveness. People with Type A personalities also tend to stick to strict deadlines, act with a sense of urgency, and link their self-esteem to their external achievements.

Downsides of Type A personality traits include workaholism, burnout, stress, anxiety, and job dissatisfaction. If you have some of these traits, you can take steps to reduce your risk for chronic stress. Practicing mindfulness, getting enough sleep, and doing hobbies you enjoy can help reduce burnout and promote relaxation.

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