Does Gargling Salt Water for a Sore Throat Work?

<p>jayk7 / Getty Images</p>

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Medically reviewed by Jordana Haber Hazan, MD

You may have heard that gargling salt water can help relieve sore throat. This is true, and gargling salt water has benefits beyond treating sore throat symptoms. However, this practice can help promote healing, decrease mouth pathogens, and benefit dental and gum health. Read on to learn when gargling salt water can help and instructions for doing your salt water rinse at home.

<p>jayk7 / Getty Images</p>

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Does Gargling Salt Water for a Sore Throat Work?

Most sore throats are caused by viral infections, which the body fights off with time. While a saltwater gargle won't necessarily cure your condition, it can help relieve symptoms of a sore throat, reduce the amount of bacteria and viruses in your mouth, and promote healing and recovery.

Salt water rinses may also help promote healing, as a study demonstrated higher activity of cells involved in healing in the oral mucosa with salt water rinses. In addition, studies have shown that gargling saltwater may shorten the length of symptoms, with those who gargled salt water recovering sooner from symptoms of COVID-19. And while studies have come to varied conclusions, some studies have shown that gargling water can even lower the chances of catching a cold during cold and flu season.

Taking over-the-counter 9OTC) medications like Tylenol (acetaminophen) and Advil (ibuprofen) can help with sore throat symptoms, but gargling salt water is an entirely natural alternative that anyone who can perform the steps can do at home using simple ingredients.

What Conditions Does a Salt Water Gargle Help With?

Gargling salt water can help with any infections that cause sore throat, including:

Other Benefits of Gargling Salt Water

Salt water rinses can also help with managing symptoms from other infections as well as noninfectious causes of sore mouth. These may include:

  • Gingivitis

  • Periodontitis

  • Recovery from oral surgery

  • Canker sores or mouth sores

  • Oral thrush, caused by yeast infection in the mouth

Regular salt water gargles may even reduce the risk of developing cavities.

How Do You Start Gargling Salt Water for Sore Throat?

The following are instructions on how to make a salt water gargle:

Making a Salt Water Gargle

The key to an effective salt water gargle is making sure there is enough salt in the water. Combine 1/2 teaspoon of salt with eight ounces (1 cup) of warm water. Stir so the salt dissolves in the water. Salt water rinses can also be performed with a mixture of salt and water as above with 2 teaspoons of baking soda.

What to Do

Perform the following steps for a salt water gargle:

  • Take a a portion of the salt water solution in your mouth and bring it to the back of your mouth.

  • Gargle the solution for 10-15 seconds

  • Spit it out

  • Repeat the steps with the remaining salt water

This can be done three times a day.


Some important caveats to keep in mind when doing a salt water gargle include:

  • Always make sure the salt water solution is not too hot before gargling.

  • Do not swallow the solution. With the amount of salt to be effective against infection and inflammation, it's not something you want to drink.

  • Do not perform this in children under 6 years of age or those who cannot follow the directions to gargle and spit the solution out.

  • Do not perform with anyone with impaired swallowing function that may choke or aspirate on thin liquids.

  • Don't gargle more than three to four times a week, as it can harm tooth enamel.


Salt water gargling helps sore throats and can help with throat infection symptoms. It also has benefits in treating other conditions like gum and periodontal disease and canker sores. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of warm water and gargle small amounts at a time, making sure to spit the solution out.