What Does the 2024 Full Moon in Sagittarius Mean for Your Sign? Astrologer Explains

In the days leading up to Memorial Day weekend, there’s generally a palpable feeling in the air that’s bubbly, eager, social, buzzy, and optimistic. And in 2024, there’s a full moon in Sagittarius this week, giving us a dramatic, imaginative, adventurous boost from the sign that sits opposite Gemini. (There's already an extra sparkle in the air thanks to fact that we’re in the midst of the sun’s trip through Gemini, the third sign of the zodiac known for being curious, people-oriented and cheerful!) So, in this context, what does the full moon in Sagittarius this year mean for you?

On Thursday, May 23 at 9:53 a.m. ET/6:53 a.m. PT, this lunar event falls in the mutable fire sign symbolized by the Archer and ruled by Jupiter, the planet of abundance, fortune and expansion. In turn, this is a full moon that will encourage you to seek and soak up new knowledge, trade information, explore uncharted territory and practice gratitude for your many blessings. Letting go of minutiae in order to celebrate a more global view is also a strength of Sagittarius, so this might also be a moment in which you’re able to more wholeheartedly embrace a big picture vision for the future. Here, all you need to know about this dynamic event so you can make the most of it.

Related: Your 2024 Gemini Season Horoscope: What’s in Store for You, Based on Your Sign

What does a full moon mean in astrology?

Full moons occur once — less frequently, twice — per month when the moon and the sun are positioned opposite one another in the sky and in the zodiac. Because they’re sitting across from one another, the sun’s vibrance reflects off of the moon, leading to a stunning spectacle in the night sky. During a full moon, the moon lights the sky up brighter than any other time in the lunar cycle. For that reason, astrologically speaking, it is a time during which it feels like your most intense, passionate emotions have been cranked up to the nth degree. And as the sun opposite moon dynamic also mirrors an amplified focus on partnerships, full moons are made for reflecting — and taking action — on matters of the heart.

You can work with this energy for four days before and after the event occurs. In astrology, the moon rules our emotions, intuition and nurturing style. And when it’s full, all of those aspects of our inner life are heightened. You could feel particularly sensitive, empathic, fired up or even burned out if an emotional situation has become exhausting. Full moons also present the chance to see how far you’ve come since planting seeds during the new moon that occurred either two weeks (in this case, May 7’s new moon in Taurus) or six months prior (the December 12, 2023 new moon in Sagittarius).

Related: Your 2024 New Moon in Taurus Horoscope: What’s in Store for You Come May 7

What does the full moon in Sagittarius mean for you?

Every full moon is a chance to reflect on one-on-one relationships and get in touch with your innermost emotions, but your experience of that practice this time around could feel especially amplified, thanks to May’s full moon in Sagittarius — aka the Flower Moon, named for the many blooms popping up just about everywhere in North America this time of year — being ruled by Jupiter. The largest planet in the zodiac has a magnifying effect on everything it comes in contact with, and in turn, Sagittarius’ life motto is “go big or go home.” So, this full moon isn’t for playing small; it’s wired to reveal your most intense, fiery, zealous emotions and encourage you to take bold action. And because Sag is associated with the Ninth House of Adventure and Higher Learning, you’ll also be encouraged to move beyond the mundane and steer toward the unknown, which can only serve to bolster personal growth.

It invites you to welcome transformation

The full moon occurs at 2 degrees of Sagittarius, while Pluto, the planet of regeneration, death and rebirth and power, is moving retrograde and sitting at 2 degrees of Aquarius, the fixed air sign. In turn, the two form a harmonious sextile, which serves up positive energy that presents an opportunity. The connection between the full moon and Pluto presents the chance to dive into the deep end of your feelings and perhaps even grapple with questions related to humanitarianism, your community and philosophies close to your heart in an effort to grow and change emotionally.

Because Pluto also functions by burning down what is no longer serving you, and full moons are also made for letting go, this meet-up could inspire a real catharsis related to shedding stale patterns and antiquated beliefs. And if you take the moon and Pluto up on their offer, you could find that, in the aftermath of this lunar event, you look back and feel like you’ve entered a whole new chapter.

What does the full moon in Sagittarius mean for you? It could bolster your fortune

Just before the full moon is exact, its ruling planet, Jupiter, will be conjunct (aka in the very same spot in the zodiac) Venus, the planet of relationships and beauty. Both of these celestial bodies are considered benefics, or helpful planets exuding lots of positive, upbeat energy. The last time they met was March 2, 2023 in Aries. This time, Venus is even stronger, because it’s in one of the signs it rules, dependable, sensual fixed earth sign Taurus. In turn, this is a really magical, romantic, lucky, hope-boosting conjunction, which could benefit relationships, self-worth and income. That said, as you move through the emotional process that this full moon encourages you to go through, you could feel as though there’s absolutely light at the end of the tunnel.

It also helps that the full moon falls very close to another positive angle: a trine to ethereal Neptune, the planet of spirituality and dreams, which elevates imaginative energy and sensitivity. In turn, this full moon could lead to feeling creatively fulfilled or as though you’re on the path to true healing.

Here, how the 2024 Sagittarius full moon will affect you based on your sign. (Be sure to read both your sun and your rising sign if you know it. If you don't, you can find it in your birth chart or by using this CafeAstrology calculator.)

What does the full moon in Sagittarius mean for Aries?

What does the full moon in Sagittarius mean for Aries zodiac sign

With this full moon falling in your adventure sector, you could be grappling with shifts related to your belief system. A philosophy you’ve held onto for a while now — perhaps related to your community, group of friends or long-term wishes — could be in flux. You deserve the opportunity to adapt. Give yourself plenty of freedom to acknowledge and move through the emotions that are coming up for you and, then, follow your gut. Because this full moon occurs just after Venus has met Jupiter in your money zone, your income could benefit from transformation, too.

Click through for more on Aries.


Taurus zodiac sign

This full moon activates your emotional bonds zone, encouraging you to reflect on what you really need to feel comfortable and secure within your closest relationships — as well as what your nearest and dearest need from you. It may also be time to get real about shared financial decisions or game plans. Thanks to Venus, your ruler, pairing up with Jupiter, the ruler of this full moon, in your sign just ahead of the lunar event, you’ll have plenty of optimism and a surge of abundance to hold onto even in moments when the emotional waters begin to feel a bit choppy.

Click through for more on Taurus.

What does the full moon in Sagittarius mean for Gemini?

What does the full moon in Sagittarius mean for Gemini zodiac sign

This full moon lights up your partnership zone, turning your focus to one-on-one connections, whether romantic, platonic or professional. You’ll be contemplating reciprocity within your bonds and potentially managing compromises or negotiations. Finding common ground might feel a bit challenging, but it’ll be well worth your effort. And given Venus and Jupiter’s conjunction in your spirituality zone, you’ll be particularly tuned into your intuition now.

Click through for more on Gemini.


Cancer zodiac sign

With this full moon falling in your wellness zone, you might be feeling a bit frustrated with a certain daily routine or habit that’s been blunting your vitality. It could be time to say enough is enough and move past any pattern or behavior that’s been keeping you from feeling your best. Because the full moon forms a harmonizing angle to transformative Pluto in your emotional bonds sector, you could lean on a loved one to talk through and strategize the best way forward.

Click through for more on Cancer.

What does the full moon in Sagittarius mean for Leo?

What does the full moon in Sagittarius mean for Leo zodiac sign

Falling in your romance and self-expression sector, this full moon spotlights and amplifies your desire to have more fun, feel more playful and take a well-deserved break from the daily grind. You’ve been putting your nose to the grindstone for a while now, and you could feel like you’ve hit a wall. Do your best to carve out time for self-care and prioritizing activities that not only bring you pleasure and joy but stimulate your creativity. Because the moon harmonizes with powerful Pluto in your partnership zone, know that a friend, loved one or co-worker could be especially supportive.

Click through for more on Leo.


Virgo zodiac sign

This full moon is activating your home zone, which can drum up drama with loved ones — and given the magnifying effect of this lunar event, something that was a seemingly tiny issue could suddenly feel larger-than-life. Thankfully, this moment also presents the opportunity to move through emotions and dynamics that aren’t serving you any longer, thanks to the moon’s sync-up with transformative Pluto in your daily routine zone. In turn, you could land on a workable way forward that’s as pragmatic as it is healing.

Click through for more on Virgo.

What does the full moon in Sagittarius mean for Libra?

What does the full moon in Sagittarius mean for Libra zodiac sign

The full moon falls in your communication zone, making this moment very social, busy and perhaps even a bit frenetic. You tend to love to flit from one buzzy occasion to the next, but it’s possible that you could be realizing you’ve stretched yourself too thin and need to streamline your commitments for your own well-being. The good news: The moon’s sextile to transformative Pluto in your creativity and self-expression sector empowers you to speak your truth and set self-protective boundaries. You’ll feel a surge of inner peace and balance, which you know better than anyone is truly invaluable.

Click through for more on Libra.


Scorpio zodiac sign

Falling in your money zone, this full moon can make you more aware of how you’re bringing your skills to the table — and what you deserve for your time and energy. It’s possible that you’re not being compensated adequately for your efforts or you’d like to reimagine investments, savings or other financial game plans. In turn, you’ll be feeling fiery and prepared to go to bat for what you want. Just be sure to take note of the big picture as you make your move. Thanks to Venus and Jupiter pairing up in your partnership zone just ahead of the full moon, a relationship close to your heart could empower you to pursue your dream.

Click through for more on Scorpio.

What does the full moon in Sagittarius mean for Sagittarius?

What does the full moon in Sagittarius mean for Sagittarius zodiac sign

Welcome to your annual full moon, which could crank up your emotional sensitivity and desire to feel better understood by your nearest and dearest. You might be particularly aggravated by any imbalances in relationships that have been taking a toll on your energy and time, and now, it’s time to assert your needs. Just know that it may be best to work through your feelings solo (perhaps by journaling or sharing with your therapist) before bringing them, unfiltered, to others. You can also feel reassured that because the moon forms a beneficial angle to powerful Pluto in your communication sector, heart-to-hearts can be deeply transformative and healing.

Click here for more on Sagittarius.


Capricorn zodiac sign

This full moon falls in your spirituality zone, encouraging you to take a step back from your everyday hustle in order to put rest, rejuvenation, self-reflection and dreaming first. This might sound challenging, but, intuitively, you know just how necessary it is to avoid attempting to pour from an empty cup. The time-out could also support your efforts to nurture and strengthen your self-worth, given that the moon forms a harmonious sextile to regenerative Pluto in your money and values zone.

Click through for more on Capricorn.

What does the full moon in Sagittarius mean for Aquarius?

What does the full moon in Sagittarius mean for Aquarius zodiac sign

Thanks to this full moon happening in your networking and long-term wishes sector, you’ll want to feel even more connected to your friends, co-workers and community. Taking time to meditate on all the ways in which the groups of people in your life support your goals and you contribute to team efforts can prove deeply heartwarming. Given that powerful Pluto in your sign forms a harmonious sextile to the moon, some soul searching and self-work could lead to dreaming up different collaborative efforts you want to lend your time and energy to.

Click through for more on Aquarius.


Pisces zodiac sign

With this full moon falling in your career zone, you can’t help but shine and attract the attention of higher-ups. You could be encouraged to step into a leadership position or take the reins on a large-scale project now. Believing in your own abilities and being your own best champion is integral to knocking any opportunity out of the park. That said, take advantage of the moon’s harmonious angle to transformative Pluto in your spirituality zone, and zero in on addressing any negative or limiting self beliefs. Tending to your heart and spirit now can translate to professional success.

Click through for more on Pisces.

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