Dodging Icebergs, Surfing Tsunami Glacier Waves (Watch)

A few weeks back, we brought you glacier surfing from Ben Gravy.

But now, we’ve got another video from that same trip to surf a “tsunami” wave from a calving glacier – this time, from skimboarder and stylish soft-top surfer, Blair Conklin.

This should go without saying, but this is not your typical surf session.

In the video, Blair is standing on the shore when a giant chunk of glacier breaks off, and falls into the water below. He grabs his board, runs into the water, and paddles towards the incoming wave. And somehow, he manages to snag it, dodging floating icebergs along the way.

Captioning the video, Conklin wrote:

“Just three days ago I caught the most spectacular wave of my life beneath a calving glacier in Alaska. Ben Gravy and I had spent two and a half days waiting for waves and I had very little luck. Just as I had given up on catching a wave below the glacier it started to shed ice and make some thunderous noises.”

So, Conklin went all that way, spending days freezing his ass off on a boat, just to catch one wave? By the look on his face, it was totally worth it.

“That was the best thing ever!” he screamed after the wave.

Just one question: both Gravy and Conklin called these “tsunami” waves. Is that correct?

After a quick Google search, a tsunami is, “a long high sea wave caused by an earthquake, submarine landslide, or other disturbance.”

That last part, “other disturbance,” seems to justify it.

Regardless of what you call it, this is no doubt impressive.


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