Tell Us About A Documentary That Disturbed You Far More Than Any Horror Movie Ever Could

It's not a far reach to say that sometimes real life is far more terrifying than any horror movie could even attempt to be.

A woman on the phone being asked "What's your favorite scary movie?"
A woman on the phone being asked "What's your favorite scary movie?"

Dimension Films

So with that in mind, what's one documentary — whether it's a single movie or series — that disturbed you far more than any horror movie could?

Maybe you caught There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane one night, and it deeply disturbed you.

Or perhaps the Netflix limited series, Keep Sweet, Pray, And Obey, kept you up at night.

Or maybe Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father stayed with you long after the credits rolled.

Share the documentary, what it's about, and a little about why you personally found it so disturbing in the comments below for a chance to be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post and/or video!