Doctors Thought She Had “Brain Damage,” But Her Autistic Mind Revolutionized the Cattle Industry | Bold & Untold by MAKERS

With her autistic mind, animal scientist Temple Grandin saw what no one else could and developed more humane ways to treat cattle.

Video Transcript


TEMPLE GRANDIN: Autism is a very important part of who I am. I like the logical way I think. And I wouldn't want to change that.


Back then, it was strictly a man's world.


Being really fearful helped me in discovering the visual things that scared cattle.


We've got to give the animals that we use for food a life worth living.


I get a lot of satisfaction when people say to me they read something in the book that helped somebody get a job or helped them go to college. I want to see the kids that are kind of different succeed. This is really important to me.