Doctors Or Dentists, What Easily Preventable Issues Do You See Too Often?

The older I get, the more I realize that taking care of my health — physical and mental — is really, really important. All those times my parents reminded me to floss before were right!

homer flossing in front of the mirror

Obviously, there are lots of aspects of health that are influenced by genetics, healthcare access, and other factors outside of our control. However, there are still some things we can do to take care of our bodies.

person listening as their doctor talks

So, if you're a doctor or dentist, what are some common things you see that are actually very preventable?

characters from grey's anatomy
Eric Mccandless / Disney General Entertainment Content via Getty Images

For instance, maybe you see a lot of root canals or cavities in adults that could be prevented if patients learned a better tooth brushing technique. Are we all secretly doing it wrong?!

cartoon character at the dentist

Perhaps you wish people were better about wearing sunscreen and protecting their skin outside of just the hot summer months.

person applying sunblock
Sergey Mironov / Getty Images

Or maybe there's a lesser known, but common issue that we should all be taking steps to prevent by getting our thyroids or iron levels checked regularly.

close up of someone at the doctor
Tanja Ristic / Getty Images

If you're an expert, tell us about a common issue you see that's actually pretty preventable, why it's important, and how to prevent it. Your response could be featured in a future BuzzFeed Community post!