Doctor Took a Break From Giving Birth to Deliver Another Woman's Baby

Talk about a multitasking mama! Amanda Hess, an OB/GYN in Frankfort, Kentucky, was in the hospital preparing to welcome her own baby, a little girl. But in the midst of her own labor, she heard that another patient, Leah Halliday Johnson, was actually fully dilated, and the doctor on call wasn't going to be making it to the hospital in time. So, Dr. Hess actually took a time-out from her own birth to help out and deliver the other woman's baby.

The supermama explained to local CBS news affiliate WKYT, "You know I love doing what I do. I love taking care of mothers and babies and, really, a lot of doctors are always thinking of their patients even when they're a patient themselves."

“I just put on another gown to cover up my backside and put on some boots over my shoes, to keep from getting any fluid and all that stuff on me, and went down to her room, and I knew her," says Hess. She had actually given Johnson a check-up a few days prior.

"She was just glad to be able to get to push and have the baby out and not have to wait any longer," the doctor explained. She then went onto deliver her own healthy baby girl who she named Ellen Joyce.

So wonderful -- not to mention impressive -- that Hess was able to step in to help Johnson. Congratulations to both moms!