8 Reasons Why Doctor Octopus Absolutely, Positively Shouldn't Be In "Spider-Man: No Way Home"

1.He died in Spider-Man 2.

Alfred Molina stares at something in a glass case as Doc Ock in Spider-Man 2

Sorry for the spoilers, but Doctor Octopus died at the end of Spider-Man 2 (2004), and he should’ve stayed dead. I don’t care if Doctor Strange is now a necromancer (zombie wizard) or a chronomancer (time wizard). Spider-Man 2 came out over a decade ago. This man is long gone.

Columbia/courtesy Everett

2.It’s not fair to the other MCU villains.

Malekith stands in front of Thor in Thor Dark World, furrowing his brows in anger

3.It’s not fair to the other MCU villains who haven’t been in the MCU yet.

An open comic book on a table

4.Too many people have come back from the dead already.

Peter Parker lies on the ground as his body turns to dust while Tony Stark looks down at him in Avengers: Infinity War

5.Doctor Octopus a lame villain.

Alfred Molina stands in the back of a train with his tentacles reaching and grasping as Doc Ock in Spider-Man 2

6.Even if he wasn’t lame, he doesn’t look the comic book version.

Alfred Molina smiles as he pushes his goggles off of his forehead and pushes up his shaggy hair as Doc Ock in Spider-Man 2

Doctor Octopus may be a lame villain, but in his best comic appearances, at least he had a cool-looking bowl cut. The movie version of Doctor Octopus does not have a cool-looking bowl cut. If they won’t even do the cool-looking bowl cut, why even bother?

Columbia / courtesy Everett Collection

7.Doctor Octopus could possess Spider-Man’s body.

Tom Holland while stands near a moving train with his Spider-Man mask off as Peter in Spider-Man: Homecoming

8.And finally, I don’t want him near Marissa Tomei.

Marissa Tomei talks to Peter as Aunt May in Spider-Man: Far From Home

Sony Pictures/Marvel / Via giphy.com

Those are the top eight reasons why Doctor Octopus should not be in Spider-Man: No Way Home. There are many more reasons why he shouldn’t be in there, but I thought eight was a fitting number because, you know, octopus. Share this article with everyone you know.

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