A Doctor Explains 3 Reasons Why Energy Drinks Are The Worst Beverages 'You Can Put In Your Mouth': Increased Nervousness & Anxiety, Plus More

case of energy drinks on shelves
case of energy drinks on shelves

Energy drinks have become a popular beverage choice for many individuals seeking a quick boost in energy and alertness. Marketed as performance enhancers, these drinks often contain high levels of caffeine, sugars, and other stimulants designed to provide a rapid increase in energy. While they may offer a temporary energy boost, the long-term effects of consuming these drinks have raised concerns among health professionals.

Doctor Youn, who has over 8.4M followers on TikTok, shared a viral video explaining why these energy-boosting drinks can be some of the worst beverages “you can put in your mouth.” He stated that issues can range from fertility problems in males, increased nervousness/anxiety, and mixing them with alcohol can be extremely dangerous.

Why Energy Drinks Are Some Of The Unhealthiest Beverages

He begins by highlighting the alarming finding that energy drinks have been linked to fertility issues in men.

“Excessive amounts of caffeine has been associated with fertility problems in men,” he says. Studies have shown that high levels of caffeine intake, often found in energy drinks, can disrupt hormonal balance and interfere with reproductive health.

Following this, he underscores the connection between energy drinks and feelings of nervousness and anxiety.

“Energy drinks have been associated with nervousness and anxiety,” he notes, emphasizing that high caffeine content in these beverages tend to trigger or exacerbate feelings of restlessness and unease.

Lastly, the combination of energy-boosting beverages with alcohol can pose significant dangers, with potentially fatal consequences in severe instances.

“Combining energy drinks with alcohol is the worst thing that you can do. The stimulant effects of the energy drinks combines with the depressive effects of alcohol to make you feel like you’re not as drunk as you really are, and this can lead to increased risk of drunk driving,” he reveals.

This false sense of alertness can lead to increased risk-taking behaviors such as drunk driving, putting both the individual and others at serious risk of harm.

While energy drinks may offer a temporary boost to your energy levels, their potential health risks should not be underestimated. Individuals should be mindful of their consumption and consider healthier alternatives for enhancing energy and alertness, such as staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, and maintaining a balanced diet.