Is That Doctor Doom in the Deadpool And Wolverine Trailer?

Deadpool and Wolverine might have hidden its biggest reveal in plain sight.

At 1:48 in the film’s first trailer, which aired during the Super Bowl, we see a mysterious cloaked figure with a mask. Some people are saying this is none other than Doctor Doom, one of the most powerful supervillains in the Marvel universe.

For starters, look behind him. The figure is standing atop some sort of contraption, and Doom is known as a master inventor.



His clothes look much more ragged than the pristine green cape we’re used to seeing in the comics, but this version of Doom might have been stranded in a different dimension and is in full-on survival mode.

Afterall, there is a comic called Wastelanders: Doctor Doom, in which Doom travels the wastelands of the Old Man Logan universe.

There’s also another piece of evidence in a comic book. Near the end of the trailer, we can see a comic book to the left of Deadpool: Secret Wars #5. And who is on the cover? Doctor Doom.

Deadpool And Wolverine trailer

Marvel has already named its sixth Avengers movie Avengers: Secret Wars, which is expected to centre on Doom, so we know he’s coming.

Alternatively, the hooded figure we see in the Deadpool And Wolverine trailer is just a random enemy grunt and has zero connection with Doom. Oh well, we can dream.

In any case, Deadpool And Wolverine revealed 9 Marvel characters in the trailer.