Doberman's Dramatic Reaction to Cat's Playful Antics Is Just Too Much

Dogs possess a remarkable level of intelligence and cognitive ability. Some studies even suggest that the average dog may be as  smart as an average toddler.

Sadly, no one informed that beautiful Doberman that belongs to TikTok user @Ashleypalmer2002 of this little fact about her intellect, because this dog seems to be maybe a few slices short of a total loaf. Check out this totally dramatic baby!

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LOL! What a dork! Dog, you can move. No one turned out the lights, no one left you, no one is holding you down. We just love her and her pathetic little cries! The drama! This is just too funny, and TikTok users agree. @Jenn comments, "Halp! Am blind! Can no see!! Oh…nevermind.." LOL! @Hercule adds, "Adorable but maybe not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree. I relate 100%." @Maria says, "MOM! The cat has got my eyes! Help me!" @Brebre has a comment we can totally agree with, and says, "That Doberman is just adorable and silly!" @Nickie says, "That poor baby acting like she's lost all alone in the woods somewhere." It's so true, she has no idea whatever will she do!

Dogs, and cats, because we all know the cat was in on this, you just gotta love them.Who knows? Maybe sweet  Lucie the Doberman will come up with her own way to pay the cat back for teasing her! We can only hope their owner posts a followup video!

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