DJ Khaled Injured from Hydrofoil Surfing Wipeout (Clip)

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DJ Khaled, the music producer and rapper, has an infectious lust for life.

He’s well-known for his patented inspirational catchphrases; he loves the finer things in life, like good food, good booze, good cigars, golfing, private jets, family, jewelry, jet-skis, and all sorts of water activities in his chosen home of Miami, Florida.

And his latest toy? An electric hydrofoil surfboard.

Captioning the clip above, DJ Khaled wrote:


The video shows Khaled cruising along on his knees on an electric hydrofoil surfboard, in what appears to be some sort of Miami inlet.

Then, he tries to stand up.

Needless to say, it doesn’t go as planned. As it happens with a lot of beginners, the foil bucks like bronco, Khaled loses his balance, and he falls on the board.

And it turns out that Khaled was injured from the wipeout.

In a previous video posted on social media, the rapper is seen getting a massage. Then the camera pans down to Khaled’s face, and he delivers this message:

“So, I’m getting a massage right now, because I hurt myself yesterday surfing.

“I have the footage of me falling…flying through the sky, hitting the board on my rib. Bellyflopping in the water.

“I’m in so much pain. I tried to golf this morning…I made it to like the eighth hole. Then I had to stop myself. So, I came to get a massage to get better.

“I called a doctor, he’s gonna come later on this evening, just to make sure it ain’t nothing serious. My masseuse is saying it’s just the muscle. She feels the muscle really irritated and disturbed in that area.

“I never stop, but I gotta be smart.”

Heal up, DJ Khaled.


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