Fatboy Slim pays homage to Greta Thunberg with ‘Right Here, Right Now’ remix

Greta Thunberg gained international recognition after making a speech at the United Nations Climate Summit in September. But now, the 16-year-old environmentalist’s words are immortalized in song after a South African electronic artist mixed her dramatic plea into a Fatboy Slim hit.

The remix of “Right Here, Right Now” created by David Scott first appeared on his Twitter page in late September, where an excerpt of Thunberg’s speech lays on top of the beat made famous by the British DJ. Over the weekend, Fatboy Slim himself played the song during a live show in Gateshead, England, leading to viral attention.

Greta Thunberg's powerful UN speech has been integrated in a DJ Fatboy Slim song. (Photo: Getty Images)
Greta Thunberg's powerful UN speech has been integrated in a Fatboy Slim song. (Photo: Getty Images)

A video from the live performance originated on the Twitter page of a concert-goer named Scott Jackson before being reposted on another page. From there, the clip has been seen over 600,000 times.

“It’s incredible,” the Twitter user wrote, while others also celebrated the hit.

Some pointed out the irony of Thunberg’s speech about the climate crisis being blasted at an electronic concert.

Still, the mash-up’s creator told AFP that he “just knew” that he needed to create it after hearing the overlap between Thunberg’s speech and Fatboy Slim’s song.

“When Greta spoke to the UN and I saw the video and it was quite late at night, and as soon as she said 'right here, right now,' the Fatboy Slim song popped into my head,” he said. “If you look at the [original] video as well it ties into the whole story, it's the story of evolution, how we came from the sea and evolved into humans and now we are at this stage where we consume and consume, and that's where the video ends, with this big fat kid.”

Scott went onto say that it was a “massive shock and a massive honor” when Fatboy Slim reposted the remix onto his Facebook page in September. Now, after the superstar DJ played it in concert, people are hopeful that it could be “the anthem of the era.”

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