DJ Brandt Tears Up The Rampage After Party "The Green River Classic"

The Green River Classic is the people's freeride festival. You would be hard-pressed to find a single bad review from pros or amateur riders who attend the event.

By all accounts, the stoke is high throughout the whole weekend and the level of riding is off the charts. Oh, and not to mention that there are some big names who show up to ride like none other than DJ Brandt.

Take a look at one of DJ's clips from the event below.

The Green River Classic has taken place the weekend after Rampage annually since 2021 and it's showing no sign of slowing down.

The InTheHillsGang, a crew of young riders who rose to prominence a few years ago for their punk aesthetic and balls-to-the-wall riding are the architects of this gathering. It is only fitting that the attitude of the event matches their energy.

One of the highlights aside from the riding is the motor scooter jumping the bonfire which seems to happen every year. It's a fun and totally safe, OSHA-approved side attraction of the event.

Related: Rider Goes Huge For "The Best Event Freeride Has Ever Seen"

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