How to Make a DIY Painted Galaxy Pumpkin

Creating the perfect DIY galaxy pumpkin design has never been so easy. With a drill, some paint, and a candle, you can enjoy a beautiful constellation design on your own fall front porch. We'll show you how to create a super simple pumpkin design using inexpensive craft paint. Try making two or three decorated Halloween pumpkins and displaying them together like the night sky.

blue constellation and copper painted pumpkins, holidays, how-to, project, diy, craft
blue constellation and copper painted pumpkins, holidays, how-to, project, diy, craft

How to Make a Galaxy Pumpkin

With a few supplies and these how-to instructions, you can create your own Halloween painted pumpkin. Customize your easy pumpkin craft with your favorite colors and constellations.

Supplies Needed:

  • Faux pumpkin

  • Navy, black, purple, teal, and white craft paint

  • Paintbrush

  • Sponge

  • Toothbrush

  • Paper plate

  • Cup of water

  • Drill or nail

  • Knife

  • Constellation print-out

  • Pins

  • White paint marker

  • Battery-operated tea light

using toothbrush to apply paint for stars
using toothbrush to apply paint for stars

Step 1: Paint Pumpkin

To create your constellation pumpkin, you'll need to start with painting the night sky. Mix together navy and black paint and paint the pumpkin, covering the surface completely. To add more dimension, use a sponge to add dabs of purple and teal paint. Water down the white paint and use a toothbrush and paintbrush to splatter on the starry background. Continue this process until you have reached the desired amount of stars and allow to dry.

carving into painted pumpkin with x-acto
carving into painted pumpkin with x-acto

Step 2: Cut Light Hole

Cut a small portion from the back of the pumpkin. Make the hole large enough to accommodate a battery-operated tea light. The key to making this constellation shine is using enough light. Add additional lights if necessary.

pinning constellation stencil to pumpkin
pinning constellation stencil to pumpkin

Step 3: Attach Pattern

Print out or draw a constellation pattern that matches the size of your pumpkin. Use straight pins to pin the constellation pattern to the front of the pumpkin, making sure to leave room around each star location. We chose constellations that had long, bold lines and several stars like the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper.

drilling holes into pumpkin with stencil
drilling holes into pumpkin with stencil

Step 4: Drill Holes

Using a drill or a long nail, create holes at each star location. Complete all holes before you remove the paper to ensure that the space between the stars is the same as the paper design.

Editor's Tip: To make a glitter galaxy pumpkin, add a coat of silver glitter paint before drawing the constellation lines.

drawing constellations on painted pumpkin
drawing constellations on painted pumpkin

Step 5: Draw Lines

Brush off any excess pumpkin core that may have been left behind by the drill, touching up with the navy paint if necessary. Use the white marker to outline the hole at each star location and draw straight lines to connect each star. Place a battery-operated tea light inside your galaxy pumpkin and display outside or as a pretty Halloween centerpiece.