DIY Marbled Easter Eggs

Similar to the way Thanksgiving kickstarts the holiday season, for me, celebrating Easter always felt like the true commencement of a highly-anticipated spring. And have you truly celebrated if you haven't added a splash of color to the holiday's most popular trademark? While dying Easter eggs is nothing new, we couldn't be more in love with Alice and Lois' pretty coastal spin on the tradition. Their marbling secret? Indigo nail polish!

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Photo: Alice & Lois
Photo: Alice & Lois

Sara and Melissa are twin sister bloggers and design experts on all things do-it-yourself, and they're also the gurus behind this project. We love the indigo color they went with here, but you could choose any color to swirl them in. No matter the color, we love the variation of hues that will lend an eclectic Easter vibe to an afternoon hunt.

Photo: Alice & Lois
Photo: Alice & Lois

For the full tutorial, hop on over to Alice and Lois. Can't decide which shade of blue you should dye your Easter eggs this weekend? Take our true blue quiz and let it decide for you!

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