This Glitzy Leopard Makeup Is the Ultimate Last-Minute Halloween Costume

This Glitzy Leopard Makeup Is the Ultimate Last-Minute Halloween Costume

Decided to dress up for Halloween last minute? That's okay, we've all been there. Luckily, putting together a cat costume is one of the easiest costumes to DIY, even on Halloween night.

Whether you're looking to DIY a cat costume for a kid or an adult, here are some ideas to put together a cat ensemble that looks like it took much more effort than you gave. The bonus? Besides saving money, you get to wear regular-ish clothes instead of scratchy, uncomfortable costumes, which makes it easy to dress up for work or school and trick-or-treat with the kids.

For more Halloween ideas, be sure to check Good Housekeeping's Halloween guides for recipes, party decorations, movie recommendations and more.

Cat Costume for Kids

Photo credit: Zinkevych / Getty Images
Photo credit: Zinkevych / Getty Images

Dress your little one in a monochromatic outfit to replicate the natural colors of a real cat (we love the tutu and black shirt combo!) then get a cat-eared headband — one that's comfortable enough to stay on her head all night. Use safety pins to attach the tail to the back of her clothes.

Use white face paint to paint her upper lip area for a snout, and then dot it with black face paint. Finally, add whiskers, a nose, and some eyeliner on the corners of each eye, and she'll officially be the cutest cat this Halloween.

Cat Costume for Women

Photo credit: PavelKriuchkov - Getty Images
Photo credit: PavelKriuchkov - Getty Images

You can opt for the classic all-black bad-luck cat, or you elevate your look by adding cute wild cat prints to your costume. Throw on your favorite leopard-print sweater or dress it up with the cheetah print maxi skirt you already have hanging in your closet. Draw on a black nose and don't forget to finish off with cat-eye eyeliner and bold lashes!

Cat Costume for Teens

Photo credit: Mike Garten
Photo credit: Mike Garten

You only need a few items to put together this cute and quirky cat costume that teens can wear (even to school)! Pair an all-black outfit with a black tutu and gloves, then add accessories like a tail (made by attaching a feathery black boa to pipe cleaners or wire) and a pair of cat ears.

Cat Costume Makeup

What's that? Think you're ready to go beyond basic nose and whisker paint and want to tackle full-on leopard spots this year? Challenge accepted. In this video tutorial, makeup artist Sarah Ahmad makes the look very easy to recreate. Don't let it intimidate you — watch the video straight through once, then go back and try it out while watching and pausing the video as needed.

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