Divine Secrets of the Handful-of-Almonds Sisterhood


There are exceptions, of course. But for a certain set of Hollywood A-listers, the paragon of afternoon snacks is a dozen or so almonds. Always.

These A-list women have more in common: They "cheat" with dark chocolate and have a weakness for cigarettes. They love dogs and Cabo. If they didn't color their hair ever-so-slightly different shades of blond, we might suspect they were secretly the same person.

But, no! Each of these women is a universe. Together, they have shown us the path to wellness, which involves gallons of water and diligent SPF application. Here, we follow them down the trail they have blazed, celebrating all they have in common and the very, very minute ways in which they differ.

Join us, friends. It's going to be a sun-kissed journey.

Okay, you think-this is uncanny. But this is just about nutrition and diet, isn't it? It's not like these women have the same hobbies and all love puppies, too? It can't be!

Except, it can be. Please examine the evidence, as we resolve to recommit to our yoga practices, find some rescue dogs to play with, and wait for our invitation to the clique.