Disneyland Sells Sizzlin’ Hot Cheesy Funnel Cakes And I’m Not Sure How To Feel About It

Photo credit: @fantasylandfoodies - Instagram
Photo credit: @fantasylandfoodies - Instagram

From Delish

After you eat your way through the 11 Countries of Epcot at Disney World, consider catching a flight directly to California to experience Disneyland's Sizzlin' Hot Funnel Cakes at the Hungry Bear Restaurant in Critter Country (plus, all of the other delicious foods the amusement park has to offer).

This sweet and savory snack is definitely as loony as it sounds, and I'm not sure whether to call it a dessert or an appetizer, but either way...I'm intrigued. Order one of these interesting food choices and you'll receive a funnel cake topped with crushed up spicy chips and a cheese sauce drizzle.

While it looks absolutely delicious-mostly because anything resembling cheesy tater tots has my name written all over it-fans seem to be pretty split over whether they're into the $7.99 treat or not.

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Rob Christian, a true Disney Insta fan, ended up at the Critter Country restaurant to try it for himself since the reviews, Rob shares, were "kind of disturbing." After doing so, the final verdict was as follows: "It's honestly just a weird combo and I don't even know what else to write about it. Just know that we did eat it all."

Fans responded with similar feelings of indecisiveness. The love hate relationship with this savory funnel cake is REAL. But some were actually obsessed with the cheesy weirdness. So it's safe to say I have to try it to get in on the fun. Looking at the pictures and reading the reviews is giving my stomach serious FOMO.

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