Disneyland fans are just finding out the park has a 'secret' spot for dogs

One Disneyland fanatic is setting TikTok ablaze after sharing a park “secret” for dog-lovers. The pup-friendly feature comes courtesy of two users, Jessica and Ashleigh, who run an account called The Theme Parkettes. In a video that now has more than 440,000 views, the duo reveals that the park actually has its own dog kennel. “I have lived 30 minutes away from Disneyland for 18 years and have gone every weekend and I never knew they even had a kennel,” one user wrote. the kennel opens 30 minutes before the park, and closes 30 minutes after . As Disneyland explains on its website, there are no reservations at the kennel club. There are a total of about 40 spots available. Also, attendees are required to return every four hours to spend some time with their furry friends. the kennel club costs just $20 — making it more affordable than many other options