Disney World Replaces Sexist "Pirates of the Caribbean" Ride Scene

That auction scene has a significant difference.

When Disney World in Orlando, Florida, reopened its popular ride "Pirates of the Caribbean" on Monday after months of scheduled renovations, there was one noticeable tweak that people soon noticed about the attraction: The auction scene, which previously depicted numerous women being sold to marry pirates against their will, has been greatly modified to better reflect social values in 2018.

Indeed, as outlined on Disney's official website, the auction scene has been replaced with a redheaded female pirate named Redd, who is overseeing a sale of the townspeople’s most prized possessions and goods. (In fact, Redd was previously one of the women sold to the pirates as a bride-to-be.) Or, as Disney reckons, Redd "just pillaged the town’s rum supply and has something to say about it."

"Just as Walt Disney embraced and encouraged Disney Parks to 'keep moving forward' since the opening of Disneyland Park in 1955," Disney's press release concludes, "Walt Disney Imagineering has introduced many new characters at Pirates of the Caribbean attraction over the years." The rest of the beloved ride remains the same, the premise of which you probably know by heart — you travel around in a boat and witness attempts by pirates to overrun a charming little seaside town, to no avail.

Disney also is happy to note that the ride, which made its splashy 1967 debut at Disneyland, will also be getting similar refurbishments at that California location this spring — although it has not confirmed if it'll be the same changes as seen with Redd the pirate in Disney World. (For what it's worth, Disneyland Paris received the same revision last year.) Either way, who runs the world? Pirate girls.

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