How Disney Hides the Not-so-magical Parts of Its Theme Parks Right in Front of Your Eyes

There’s a lot happening at Disney theme parks: Between new openings and secret attractions, a visitor’s attention is thrown all over the place. Sometimes it feels like there’s too much to see and too few hours in the day to experience it all. Then take into account that there are whole parts of Disney parks hidden in plain sight, but camouflaged so you don’t notice them, and your head might just spin.

Much like a colored screen on a film set, Disney uses the color green to transform the more unsightly parts of its theme parks so you won't ever notice them.

If you look closely around the park, you will see shades of green painted on certain items, like trash cans, backstage scaffolding and fences, to make them “disappear,” or at least go relatively undetected.

"The goal of this color is to cause the object to fade into your color spectrum so that your eye will miss it completely," Gavin Doyle, a Disney park expert and the man behind the website Disney Dose, told Business Insider. "The best example can be found on the outdoor lift hill of Big Thunder Mountain, where you can easily see backstage by turning your head to the right. Most guests simply don't see this backstage area as everything is covered in Disney's special green-colored paint."

Disney will refer to this color as “no-see-um-green” or “go away green.” But this unobtrusive green can change shade based on what’s surrounding the item. “It has a lot to do with what the building is blending into," one Reddit user wrote, adding that "ivy differs from oak, which differs from shrubs, etc.”

So next time you're visiting Mickey, try to spot what's hidden in plane sight. Just remember, you're not supposed to see it all.