Can You Use Dishwasher Pods for Laundry?

<p>Cris Cantón / Getty Images</p>

Cris Cantón / Getty Images

Looking at single-use dishwasher detergent and laundry pods, there's not much of a difference. They're both brilliantly colored, full of a gel-like detergent, and pop easily into their respective clothes washing or dish washing machine.

But not all cleaners are created equal, and there's a reason that laundry detergent and dishwasher detergent are not the same. It's like the hand soap and dish soap debate—they're close, but they are not the same.

Here's why you shouldn't use dishwasher pods to clean your laundry, how it could end up damaging not only your clothes but your washing machine, and what you can use instead, particularly if you've run out of laundry detergent and you're in a pinch.

Can You Use Dishwasher Pods to Clean Your Laundry?

There's bad news, particularly if you're short on laundry detergent with a load of towels you absolutely need to clean right this minute: you cannot use dishwasher pods to clean your laundry.

There are a few reasons that dishwasher pods could not only harm your laundry, but your washing machine as well.

First, dishwasher pods are designed for a different use than laundry pods. While your clothes may be soiled, dishes are typically covered in grease, fat, and food. Dishwasher pods are designed to battle those elements, and have specific enzymes and chemicals to do so. Since these ingredients are not meant for clothing, they can stain or damage your clothing. Additionally, the rinse aid should not come anywhere near your clothing, and, in many detergents, that's included within the pod.

Have you ever seen those videos with bubbles overflowing out of the washing machine? That's what could happen if you use dishwasher pods for laundry, especially if you have a high efficiency machine. This is, again, because dishes require tougher cleaning action. The suds and foam are necessary to deeply clean the dishes, but that's not necessary in a washing machine, which relies on low suds and agitation to clean clothes.

Lastly, all of these suds and chemicals can throw off your washing machine. From the pressure sensor to the water level to even the gaskets and hoses, these elements can cause possible permanent damage to your washing machine.

What to Use If You Run Out of Laundry Detergent

Luckily, all is not lost if you find yourself with a dirty load of laundry and no laundry detergent. There are several alternatives you can turn to, and none of these will damage your clothing or your washing machine.

  • Use one or two cups of baking soda, a natural odor eliminator, to quickly wash and freshen your clothes.
    Pour a half cup of white vinegar into your washing machine to wash clothes with the most versatile cleaning agent in your pantry.

  • Add a half cup of Borax to your washing machine for a clean load of laundry.

  • Hand wash your laundry with gentle shampoo. You can't use shampoo in the washing machine for the same reason you can't use dishwasher pods—too many suds—but it makes an excellent hand washing solution.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you use liquid dishwasher detergent as laundry detergent?

No, you cannot use liquid dishwasher detergent as laundry detergent. The chemicals in the dishwasher pod are designed for a different use, including breaking down grease and food, and the dish detergent produces more bubbles. This is a combination that can damage your washing machine. You can, however, use dish soap as a spot treatment on grease stains.

Are dishwasher pods the same as laundry pods?

Dishwasher pods contain grease-fighting enzymes that do not exist in laundry pods, and both contain a different mixture of chemicals and scents designed for their specific usage. Plus, they react differently in terms of bubbles and cleansing.

What other uses for dishwasher pods are there?

You can treat white fabrics with a dishwasher pod, bleach, and very hot water, or you can drop a dishwasher pod into a toilet bowl, let it sit, and then scrub the toilet as you would normally.