Disabled Biker Confronted By Trail Karen: "Show Me The Rules..."

As POV cameras surge in popularity, many incidents of discourteous trail behavior have made their way to the internet.

Perhaps the worst was when a disabled rider was confronted by a man on the trail about his adaptive bike. Watch the video below.

In this video, a man was riding in the woods on his adaptive bike when a very rude mountain biker accosted him about whether his bike was legal in the park. Despite having no authority, the Karen took it upon himself to enforce wrongly perceived rules of the park.

This video inflamed the internet. Though it brought forth some counterproductive doxxing of the aggressor, this interaction started a very important conversation about adaptive biking.

In the years since advocacy groups have been working hard to accommodate adaptive riders everywhere.

Related: Snowshoe, WV Hosts Incredible Adaptive Mountain Bikers

One of the biggest advocates for this is Quinn Brett. Quinn is a rock climber who was paralyzed in a climbing accident and has taken up hand cycling. She has become a staunch advocate for better trail access. Read an amazing interview with her here.

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