Diptyque Releases A Luxury Car Freshener

Photo credit: Diptyque
Photo credit: Diptyque


There are two kinds of candle hoarders out there: Those who buy one expensive candle approximately every three years (because it takes you that long to work up the courage to actually light it), or those who go through candles like chewing gum (because you compulsively light them any time you're home).

Whichever one you are, you know that Diptyque is the holy grail of delicious-smelling candles. You might be a "Bailes" girl or a "Roses" obsessive, but regardless of taste, you probably want to be surrounded by their unique scents, like, all the time. (Which is probably why you own their eau de parfum, too.)

Photo credit: Diptyque
Photo credit: Diptyque

Luckily, Diptyque is on the same page. They want every part of your life to smell good and by extension make you feel good, so they're venturing outside the world of candles. In September, they'll be releasing a luxury diffuser for your car, in six of their prolific scents: ambre, baies, figuier, roses, fleur, d'oranger, gingembre, and 34.

Make your next road trip (or even ride to work) an indulgent experience, and shop these high-end air fresheners starting next month. They cost $60 each and will last you three months after opening - which we think candle hoarders of all kinds can get behind!

h/t: Popsugar

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