We Have Died And Gone to Craft Closet Heaven

If you are a crafter, a wrapper or simple a lover of beautifully organized spaces, then Leslie Bruce's chic home office is going to be your total jam. From blush hues to a craft closet that puts Martha to shame and the end all be all of inspiration boards, this HQ is as pin-worthy as they come. Take the full tour of this inspiring space designed by Jette Creative, organized by Life in Jeneral and all captured by Emma Feil.

When we decided to make the move from our tiny Hollywood bungalow to Laguna Beach, I had one priority: space! Not only did my then two-year-old daughter need a place where she could spread her wings, I also needed a place where I could expand my business and wrap my head around next stages of growth.

Being a writer who dabbles in social media, I had at least a dozen storage boxes of books, decor and tchotchkes piled on top of each other in our garage. I’m a really visual person, so “outta sight, outta mind.” I would often forget about certain items, or ended up re-purchasing things I already had (which isn’t great use of finances for a small business owner).

My dream was a home office with enough storage that I could organize and access all of my props, books and files, but also find a way to keep things minimal and neat. I don’t do well with clutter. I need a clean desk and a clean space in order to function. Lucky for me, I teamed with Jesse DeSanti of Jette Creative to build out the perfect office (in the space that was originally the kitchen!). She designed a large, bright space with six oversized drawers, deep cabinets, and a floor to ceiling storage unit that could work as a clothing closet or a prop cabinet.

After we built the perfect space, I knew I needed help putting together my new office, so I reached out to Jen Robin of Life in Jeneral to come in and do an organizational overhaul. She helped me to use each nook and cranny to the best of its ability, while keeping it manageable, accessible and pretty.

Besides my daughter’s room, the office is the only other space in the house where I got to be a bit more feminine and frilly with the design and details (the rug is Emily & Merrit for Pottery Barn Kids!). Since Unpacified’s colors are pink and gray, it made sense to evoke the same vibe for my office.

My absolute favorite part of the space though is my giant pin board. I needed one to not only help me organize and visualize my latest book project, but also to act as an inspiration board for all my fun knickknacks, photos and sayings to keep me motivated throughout the day, including my favorite Andy Warhol quote:“Don’t think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.”

Photography: Emma Feil | Design: Jette Creative | Organizer: Life in Jeneral