Tell Us How You Got Revenge On Your Horrible Boss

Bosses can make or break your experience at a job and if you've ever had a horrible boss, then you may have fantasized about getting some sweet, sweet revenge...or maybe you actually got it😏.

agitated man in an office
Warner Bros.

And if you have gotten some petty revenge on a horrible boss, I want all the deets.

rihanna putting her hand to her ear to show she wants to hear the crowd
rihanna putting her hand to her ear to show she wants to hear the crowd

BET Awards @betawards /

For example, maybe you had a boss who used to refer to your work as crap all the time so on your last day on the job, you hid open cans of tuna all around his office so it would reek and take him forever to find the source of the stench.

spongebob smelling something gross

Or maybe you were someone's personal assistant and they made your life a living hell so one day while they were at the office, you went into their home and hid their passport the day before they had an international flight.

scared assistant standing in front of their boss

Or perhaps your boss implemented a rule where no one could use the bathroom for more than five minutes at a time, so you put a fresh toilet bowl in her car.

two men looking inside a car

Whatever you did, tell us all about the petty revenge you got on your horrible boss (or use this Google Form if you want to be anonymous). You could be featured in a BuzzFeed post or video.