Did You Know That These Seemingly Harmless Holiday Decorations Can Be REALLY Dangerous for Your Cat?

They may sparkle and shine — but don't be fooled!

While lots of people — especially vintage holiday decor lovers — are all about sprinkling a healthy dose of tinsel on the tree, if you have a cat at home, you better be careful!

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According to veterinarian Dr. Courtney Campbell, cats who chow down on those sparkly strands may do so at a cost!

"The problem is that it will glom up in the intestine, causing obstruction," says Dr. Courtney.

And it gets worse: "[Tinsel] is in a line, and when we see a line like that, it can slice through the intestine."

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Dr. Courtney compares it to using a wire to cut through your favorite hunk of cheese. Great for cheese — but not so good for kittens!

His solution? Grab beaded garland instead. "Good example of a way to say, 'You know what? Let's skip the tinsel'"

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Rach says she loves to use that on her (nine!) trees at home!

For more potential holiday pet hazards, check out our handy guide below:

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