Did You Know That There Is an Entire Holiday All About Being Kind?

Remembering to be kind to one another is one of the most important things we can do as people! We all have our own unique stories and personal lives separate from each other, which means we may never fully grasp just what someone may be experiencing. So, a simple act of kindness can truly go a long way! (Read our list kindness quotes if you need some inspiration!) Speaking of, did you know that there's an entire holiday centered around this very thing? Yep, it's called World Kindness Day, and it takes place every November!

Now, don't get us wrong, we should all remember to spread kindness every day! Take Alex Drummond for example: The Pioneer Woman's eldest daughter can always be caught doing something sweet—like when she showed appreciation to the mail and delivery drivers last holiday season by leaving snacks and drinks for them on her front porch! While this should serve as an example to be kind throughout the year, having a date dedicated to it serves as a sweet reminder. 🥰

The November holiday has a pretty cool history, and it's worth learning about! Read on for everything you need to know about World Kindness Day, including when it is, how it originated, and what you can do to honor the day!

What is the purpose of World Kindness Day?

The first World Kindness Day took place in 1998, but the inspiration for it began a year before! It was organized in 1997 by the World Kindness Movement, a non-profit organization that specializes in exactly what its name states: Being kind! The organization itself was formed at an event in Tokyo in 1997, which saw multiple groups from different countries that had kindness at its core band together. As a group, they formed the World Kindness Movement, with the mission "to inspire individuals and connect nations to create a kinder world."

When is World Kindness Day?

World Kindness Day will take place on Monday, November 13, 2023. It's perfect timing, too! It's in the midst of the holiday season, where some people could use a little pick-me-up.

What can I do on World Kindness Day?

The beautiful thing about this holiday is that you can participate in any kind act that you want! It could be something as simple as complimenting someone's outfit, or sending out a good morning text to those you care about! But if you're looking for some inspiration, go ahead and check out the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, whose mission is to "make kindness the norm." The foundation's site has plenty of ways you can commit an act of kindness!

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