Did Hot Chip Send Child to the ER?

Did Hot Chip Send Child to the ER?

Should you be worried about your children eating hot chips?

The Doctors discuss the case of a woman who claimed in an online post that two different hospitals misdiagnosed her daughter's salivary gland stones. The woman claimed after two misdiagnoses a different doctor said eating hot chips caused the salivary gland stones.

Watch: The Doctors Try the ‘Spicy Noodle Challenge’

The Doctors question if linking the hot chips to the salivary gland stones is accurate, and go on to explain that if someone does have a salivary stone that usually the production of saliva can free the stone.

The Doctors' takeaway - do not overdue it with spicy foods if they do not agree with you.

Watch: Hottest Chip in the World?

We reached out to Frito-Lay regarding the story and they told us, "At Frito-Lay, food safety is always our number one priority, and our snacks meet all applicable food safety regulations as well as our rigorous quality standards. Some consumers may be more sensitive to spicy foods than others and may choose to avoid spicier snacks due to personal preference."