Did Griselda Blanco Really Have Her Husband Killed?

dario sepulveda, alberto guerra, griselda
Did Griselda Blanco Have Her Husband Killed?Netflix

MODERN FAMILY STAR Sofia Vergara underwent a dramatic transformation for her new role in Netflix's Griselda, a gritty and gripping six-episode limited series about the life and crimes of the "Godmother of Cocaine," cartel queenpin Griselda Blanco. Based on real people and events, the series follows Blanco's ruthless pursuit of power as she rises through the drug trade of Miami in the '70s and '80s, doing whatever it takes to get ahead and protect herself and her children.

While plenty of screen-time is dedicated to Blanco's brutal criminal actions, Griselda also explores her personal motivations, rooting much of her character in her relationship with her four sons—and her third husband, Darío Sepúlveda, played by Alberto Guerra.

Blanco's first husband Carlos Trujillo, the father of Dixon, Uber and Osvaldo, does not appear in the series, while her second, Alberto Bravo, features only briefly. However, Sepúlveda plays a key role in Griselda.

In the show, Sepúlveda is a hitman who is hired to carry out a contract killing on Blanco, before ultimately falling in love with her. This may be the result of some artistic license, as Insider reports there was "no indication that Sepulveda was initially contracted to murder Blanco before turning and killing his boss" instead.

dario sepulveda, alberto guerra, griselda
Alberto Guerra as Darío Sepúlveda in Griselda.Netflix

Other details of Sepúlveda and Blanco's tempestuous relationship are informed by the true story of their marriage. These include Sepúlveda's infidelity and the subsequent breakup, and his decision to abscond with his and Blanco's son, returning to Colombia where he hoped to shield Michael from Blanco's dangerous way of life—and protect himself from Blanco's wrath.

What happened to Darío Sepúlveda?

In 1983, while living with Michael in Colombia, Sepúlveda was ambushed by assassins and murdered. He was reportedly approached by men dressed as police officers, who shot him in front of Michael. It is believed that his killers were working for Blanco, although she has never been charged with any involvement in his death.

"The cops asked Dario to get out of the car. He got out and they handcuffed him, but he started to run. The cops opened fire and shot Dario right in front of the kid," Max Mermelstein, a former associate of Blanco's, told the Sun Sentinel. "Little Michael was screaming and ran over to embrace his father, but by the time he got there Dario was dead. The execution was done on the orders of Michael's mother."

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