Did Bella and The Weeknd Just Go Insta Official?

Photo credit: Getty Images
Photo credit: Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

Love is in the air and it's sweeping up everyone - including famous exes! (I apologize for that entire sentence, but I love love, and I won't apologize for it! Except that I kinda did! I don't know!)

Bella Hadid and The Weeknd seem to have rekindled their romance, as the attractive twosome was seen snogging all over Cannes last month, and then whisked off to Paris for some more romantic times!

Here's a pic someone caught of them in Paris on Thursday night:

And although their not officially a couple (at least, like, they haven't made a public statement?) (being a celebrity is so weird), The Weeknd did post some rather ~scandalous~ photos that seem to indicate they're very much back on. And by scandalous, I mean black and white photos of a woman holding sugar packet labeled "Sugar Daddy."

Pay special attention to the nails:

Photo credit: Instagram
Photo credit: Instagram

And now look at Bella's nails here:

me - interviews a random intense zoom series by @lilmami_lani 😩❤️

A post shared by 🦋 (@bellahadid) on Jun 1, 2018 at 3:18am PDT

I'm calling it: INSTA OFFICIAL.

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