You can diagnose these scary health issues just by looking at your nails

Holistic counselor Orisha Oshun of Instagram’s iamsurvivingvegan knows all sorts of health and wellness advice. Oshun believes eating a plant-based diet can help with conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes, and she uses her platform to provide vegan detox guides, tips and recipes.

The holistic counselor schooled In The Know on how to use your very own fingernails to self-diagnose certain health issues.

Oshun said yellow nails suggest liver weakness. Meanwhile, a white spot near the cuticles, sometimes called a “lunar eclipse,” can mean you’re deficient in calcium and zinc.

If you have pale, white nail beds it may be an indicator that you’re low on iron and hemoglobin in the blood. Vertical lines on the nail might mean that there are worms or bacteria overgrowth in the intestines.

According to the Mayo Clinic, there are a few more signs Oshun left out. Nail clubbing, when the fingertips enlarge and the nails grow in a curve, can be a sign of lung issues or low oxygen. Nail pitting, however, when there are small depressions on the nail beds, is often related to skin conditions like psoriasis.

Another common issue is called Terry’s nails, when a small pink band appears on the tip of the nails. While in some cases it’s merely a sign of getting older, in others it may indicate a more serious issue like liver disease, heart or kidney issues.

If Oshun can teach us one thing it’s to pay a little closer attention to our nails, they could be trying to tell us something.

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