Worried About Germs? This Device Sanitizes Your Phone While you Charge It

Photo credit: UncommonGoods
Photo credit: UncommonGoods

From House Beautiful

Cold and flu season is upon us, and that means it's time to be extra careful about germs. You already know covering your mouth when you cough and washing your hands regularly are important practices, but your phone can use a good cleaning, too—beyond just wiping away the fingerprints on your screen—because it might be the most germ-covered thing you own. In fact, last year, Time reported on a study that found that cell phones carry 10 times more bacteria than toilet seats. Yikes.

If you're worried that simply wiping down your phone might not be enough to combat all that bacteria (or if you're afraid that cleaning wipes might damage your phone), there's an alternative: PhoneSoap, a device that sanitizes your phone for you while you charge up your battery. To use it, all you have to do is place your phone inside, plug in your charger, and close the lid—pretty easy, right?

PhoneSoap uses special interior UV lights to banish bacteria, and when it's all done cleaning and charging your phone, the exterior lights will let you know. And the best part? The device also has built-in acoustic amplifiers so you can still listen to music loud and clear while it cleans your phone—and, if you use your phone as an alarm, you'll still be able to hear your wake-up call. Plus, you'll wake up to a clean, germ-free phone, which might just be the best way to start the day.

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