You Can Develop a Food Allergy at Any Age

Medically reviewed by Corinne Savides Happel, MDFact checked by Nick Blackmer

You have eaten nuts for as long as you can remember, but this time you find your throat itches and you feel like your tongue is swelling. Or maybe you ate your favorite shrimp scampi dinner only to discover you are covered with hives. Perhaps you are relaxing on your front porch when suddenly your eyes start getting itchy and your experience bouts of sneezing.

Eric Audras / Getty Images
Eric Audras / Getty Images

Is it possible that even as an adult you can suddenly develop allergies, both food and seasonal ones? The answer is an absolute yes. In fact, it is somewhat common to have allergies develop during adulthood, with no prior history. While a food allergy occurs in only about 5% of the adult population, it is currently a condition that is on the rise.

How Allergic Reactions Happen

Allergic reactions occur when your body comes in contact with something that your immune system identifies as harmful. This can be a food or any substance, such as pollen. In response, the body produces antibodies called immunoglobulin E (IgE). These antibodies, in turn, attach themselves to cells which then release histamine. Histamine causes reactions such as inflammation, redness in the eyes, along with tears and an itchy feeling. If the reaction is strong enough anaphylactic shock can result. Most antibodies in the human body serve to fight infections but sometimes they target allergens instead.

There is also a condition called pollen food allergy syndrome, which is a reaction to pollen, not to a particular food. In this case, the immune system recognizes the pollen and similar proteins in the food and then causes an allergic reaction to it.

While most patients will tolerate at least some amounts of foods to which they have pollen food allergy syndrome, there are rare cases in which patients experience severe reactions including anaphylaxis. If you have questions about the severity of your allergy, you should be evaluated by an allergist.

Symptoms of Allergies

Allergic reactions can vary, but some of the more common symptoms are hives, swelling of the lips or tongue, itchy eyes or skin, shortness of breath, trouble swallowing, drop in blood pressure, pale skin, or feeling faint. In some cases, an allergic reaction may take the form of life-threatening anaphylaxis. Most often the symptoms occur within two hours of ingesting the food in question, but in many cases, it can happen within even a few minutes of the first contact.

Top Nine Allergens

While you can be allergic to any food, the most common food allergies include milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soy, and sesame. These foods make up most of the reported food allergies in the United States and are required to be listed on any processed food according to the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004 and the Food Allergy Safety, Treatment, Education, and Research Act of 2021.

Why This Happens

No one really understands what might make the body have this misguided reaction. You can show no symptoms for years and suddenly experience a reaction. Some researchers believe this can happen after there is a change in someone’s environment and they are exposed to this allergen at a more substantial level than ever before. And at that level the body can no longer handle it, causing a reaction.

How to Handle Allergies

If you start to show symptoms of an allergy, it is important to consult your healthcare provider. Blood and skin testing can confirm your diagnosis so that you can learn how to safely handle your allergies. Once your allergies are diagnosed, a change in diet, allergy shots, or medications may help to alleviate symptoms.

So despite your age, be sure not to ignore any new reaction you might have to a food or substance. By paying close attention to this reaction, and determining its cause, you will be better prepared to eat safely and avoid further reactions.

Read the original article on Verywell Health.