This Dermatologist-Approved Oil May Be the All-in-One Solution to Your Winter Skin Woes

This Derm-Approved Ingredient May Be the All-in-One Solution to Your Winter Skin Woes
This Derm-Approved Ingredient May Be the All-in-One Solution to Your Winter Skin Woes

Iryna Veklich/Getty Images

As any beauty guru will tell you, there is unfortunately no magic potion that'll instantly solve all of your skincare woes in one go. But what does exist are versatile products that have a number of different purposes, allowing you to get more uses out of one bottle than you'd get from a targeted treatment. One such unicorn? The Now Solutions Organic Jojoba Oil, an ultra-hydrating elixir that benefits the skin, hair, scalp, and nails.

It's no secret that natural, plant-based oils have been used in the cosmetics industry for centuries, but jojoba oil — sometimes overshadowed by its buzzier sibling, coconut oil — arrived on the scene a bit later, in the 1970s. It quickly became a beauty staple thanks to its ability to moisturize skin, strengthen hair follicles, and even relieve dry, itchy scalps. According to Dr. Dendy Engelman, MD, a NYC-based dermatologist, jojoba oil is "very easily absorbed" so the benefits can be seen "instantaneously." Basically, you don't want to sleep on jojoba oil.

It works by "providing a moisture barrier," which locks in hydration, Dr. Engelman tells InStyle. Dr. Debra Jaliman, MD, a board-certified dermatologist, echoes that it's "extremely hydrating and good for dry, flaky skin." It can provide anti-aging benefits as well due to its antioxidant-rich nature."It can protect from environmental aggressors as well as soften fine lines and wrinkles," adds Dr. Engelman.

The reason it's so hydrating is because it's not actually an oil, but a wax ester derived from jojoba plant seeds. This gives it a unique texture that replenishes skin and "blends nicely into the skin and scalp," according to Dr. Engelman.

And it's not just for your skin. Jojoba is widely used as a hair oil because of its super hydrating, wax-like consistency and is often touted as a great remedy for scalp issues and dandruff. Along with rehydrating dry hair, it can even strengthen hair follicles to prevent split ends. Dr. Engelman says that it's also "rich in iodine, which helps to unclog pores and keep the scalp healthy and exfoliated."

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If you're ready to give it a try, both dermatologists — along with nearly 18,000 Amazon shoppers — give the Now Solutions organic option their stamp of approval. With an ingredient list consisting solely of jojoba oil and nothing else, it's a simple and cheap way to incorporate this all-purpose oil into your skincare regimen. Not only is it non-GMO and USDA-certified organic (you'll find the official green seal visible on the bottle), but it's also going for just $9 per four-ounce bottle on Amazon thanks to a 44 percent off deal on the site right now.

Dr. Engelman and Dr. Jaliman recommend applying the formula directly to your hair, face, body, or scalp — either directly or by mixing in a few drops with another lotion or conditioner — up to twice a day after cleansing. As with any beauty oil, you'll want to proceed with caution if you have very oily or acne-prone skin, though Dr. Engelman notes that it may help counteract oily skin by "regulating sebum production."

If the thousands of positive Amazon reviews are any indication, no matter how you decide to use this oil, it'll become a staple in your routine. One shopper said it's "glossy instead of greasy" while another said it's "moisturizing without causing breakouts," and a third called it their "best kept hair secret."

Just take a look through the pages of glowing reviews, and you'll see testimony after testimony raving over how amazing it is for hair, skin, nail, and scalp health — especially during the cold, dry winter months that often wreak havoc on our bodies. If you've been searching for a "godsend" product that addresses a slew of skin concerns in one bottle, this dermatologist-approved option may just do the trick.