This depiction of ‘every kid at a book fair’ is accurate AND hilarious

This depiction of ‘every kid at a book fair’ is accurate AND hilarious

The greatest week of all time was, hands-down, when millennials were in elementary school and the Book Fair came into town. Oh, man, those metal rolling carts filled with books, bookmarks, pens, pencils, wacky erasers, and useless toys. Who could forget the tiny plastic toys that get lost the second kids get home from school?

You definitely never forget all the Clifford everywhere, and the sports, kittens, and “psychedelic” posters, too. Those Magic Eye books were also amazing (but pricey) and the crystal and rock kits were a smash hit, too.

If you want to relive the magic that is the Book Fair, this viral TikTok is a must-watch. It hilariously depicts so many of the different types of kids you see at the Book Fair, and they do not hold back.

There’s the “penny shopper,” the “everything looks good but the books” kid, the “buys all the diaries” kid (which was totally me), “the bargain shopper,” “the stole your mom’s money and she doesn’t know shopper,” and “the future librarian.”

This TikTok brings back all the memories. Can I go back to school for a day just to go shopping at the Book Fair with adult money? I have to admit I now live vicariously through my five-year-old and his shopping and of course, try to volunteer when I can, but it sure would be great to be able to buy all the pencils, bookmarks, erasers, and diaries I wanted without being judged. Do they still sell Anne Geddes posters and bookmarks? Asking for a friend.

Live vicariously through this video and see which Book Fair kid you were — you’ll simultaneously feel seen and attacked in the best ways. And, as always, you’ll have a major appreciation for teachers and librarians who clearly love what they do (and ALL of the kids who show up to the book fair).