Dentist Dr. Bill Dorfman Sets World Record with Katy Perry's Grill!

Dentist Dr. Bill Dorfman Sets World Record with Katy Perry's Grill!

Our frequent guest on The Doctors, dentist Dr. Bill Dorfman, was recently announced as setting the world record of "Most Valuable Grill" from The Guinness World Records - his second honor from the organization. Dr. Dorfman designed a $1 million grill for the singer that was used in the video for her hit song "Dark Horse." We chatted with Dr. Dorfman about creating Katy's amazing jewel-dripping mouthpiece.

How involved was Katy Perry in helping to design and create the grill? Did she have any special requests?

"Actually, I did all the work with her make-up artist Jonny Wundk. Jonny came to me with a request to make a grill for Katy’s new music video and my initial thought was to go all out – this is Katy Perry, after all."

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Tell us about the precious stones used in this impressive grill.

"My good friend Cheryl Alpert owns XIV Karats in Beverly Hills and gave us the stones on consignment – we used several precious gemstones and a flawless diamond."

What happened to the grill after the “Dark Horse” video?

"After the music video was shot and the grill was no longer needed, we had to disassemble the diamond and gemstone and return them to XIV Karats. LOL - Over a million dollars in gems was a steep price!"

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Are there any concerns or dental dangers when it comes to wearing a grill?

"YES!!!! Normally they are just for 'looks' not for function. Also, you must still brush and floss under them."

Do you have any advice for first-time grill wearers?

"It’s important to go to a dentist. Don't try this alone or with a make-up artist because you can ruin your teeth."

Now that you hold the record for creating “Most Valuable Grill,” how do you top this?

"Seeing as this is my second record, I am going to apply for a third one and then maybe even the record for the MOST GUINNESS RECORDS!!!"