Demi Lovato Says She's "Grateful to Be Alive" and Asks for Time to Heal

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

Demi Lovato left rehab three months ago after an OD in July, and ever since she has been keep a low profile (and voting!).

But it looks like while Demi has been taking this time to focus on her sobriety and heal, others are busy making up and selling fake stories about her (remember when someone accused her team of being "rotten"?), and Demi has had enough.

She went on a Twitter tirade last night blasting those who are making up rumors about her just for $$$, calling them "sickening." Demi also tweeted that one day she will tell everyone the full story but she's just not ready yet, and she asked her fans to disregard those fake stories in the meantime. She said:

I love my fans, and hate tabloids. Don’t believe what you read. People will literally make up stuff to sell a story. Sickening.

If I feel like the world needs to know something, I will tell them MYSELF. Otherwise people stop writing about my recovery, because it’s no one’s business but mine. I am sober and grateful to be alive and taking care of ME ✌🏼

Someday I’ll tell the world what exactly happened, why it happened and what my life is like today.. but until I’m ready to share that with people please stop prying and making up shit that you know nothing about. I still need space and time to heal..

I would love to set the record straight on all the rumors out there but I literally don’t owe anyone anything so I’m not going to. All my fans need to know is I’m working hard on myself, I’m happy and clean and I’m SO grateful for their support. 💕

I’m so blessed I get to take this time to be with family, relax, work on my mind, body and soul and come back when I’m ready. I have my fans to thank for that. I’m so grateful, truly. I love you guys so fucking much 💗 thank you 🙏🏼

So basically, Demi is doing just fine and that's that. Ummtay?

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