DeMarcus Ware's Lower Body Park Circuit Will Keep You Moving

From Men's Health

DeMarcus Ware may have retired from the NFL in 2017, but the former linebacker/defensive end still trains like he's ready to hit the field at any second. Ware now has a dedicated following on Instagram, as he regularly posts his workouts online, often including an encouraging caption and a call for his followers to try the workout for themselves.

Ware recently posted a video of an outdoor workout, which he did with no equipment. He added a thoughtful caption to the video, advising his followers to focus on themselves instead of trying to please other people.

"When you focus more on yourself and less on others, I think you’ll be pleased with the results. Remember who you are & have FUN with this life...ya only get one," Ware wrote.

As for the workout, it's easily replicated at home, or wherever else you might decide to get your sweat on. Ware's park setup, for instance, uses the equipment in the environment around him.

Most of Ware's moves are leg-centric, but he throws in some pushups as well. If you're aiming to keep your heart rate up, try to run from station to station like he does to keep moving.

DeMarcus Ware's Lower Body Park Circuit Workout

Men's Health associate fitness editor Brett Williams helps to break down the routine.

  • Squat Hold - "Don't be lazy with your posture here," Williams says. "Squeeze your glutes and core to keep your spine straight."

  • Wall Jump with Step Down - "Land soft at the top," he cautions. "Take a moment to gather yourself at the top, then step down under control, as a controlled movement."

  • Bulgarian Split Squat (L) - "Make sure to find your position on the ground first, then start working," advises Williams. "See the Form Check video for more tips."

  • Pushup - "If you need to scale your pushups, don't go on your knees. Instead, start with your hands on a bench or other surface. Once you want to make the move more difficult, put your feet up."

  • Bulgarian Split Squat (R)

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