Delivery customer claims she got ‘catfished’ after ordering dinner online

Chicago-based TikToker @rainaltmodel is currently going viral after claiming she received packaged, frozen food after ordering what was advertised as a hot meal from a local restaurant. As @rainaltmodel claimed in her video, she ordered a dish called “Shock’N Shrimp” from a local restaurant. The dish, @rainaltmodel said, was advertised as a vegan shrimp substitute. “You guys, I just got catfished so hard by this freaking restaurant,” she said in the clip while showing a photo of the menu item. “It looks like a cooked meal, right”. “I want to emphasize that I ordered this from a restaurant,” @rainaltmodel added. “Not a grocery store but a restaurant”. From there, @rainaltmodel revealed what she claims to have received instead — a box of frozen food, labeled with the name “Shock’N Shrimp”. “Literally a box of frozen food,” she claimed. “When I say that it was frozen, I mean frozen”. As it turns out, Shock’N Shrimp is a brand of frozen, vegan shrimp alternative snacks. However, @rainaltmodel’s issue was that the product was allegedly marketed as a cooked meal online. She did not name the restaurant she ordered from, nor the food delivery app she used